<ClerkProvider />
The ClerkProvider component wraps your React application to provide active session and user context to Clerk's hooks and other components.
Name | Type | Description |
publishableKey | string | Clerk publishable key for your instance. This can be found in your clerk Dashboard. |
frontendApi | string | The frontend API host for your instance. This can be found in your clerk Dashboard. |
navigate? | (to: string) => Promise<any> | void | A function which takes the destination path as an argument and performs a "push" navigation. |
clerkJSVariant? | string | If your web application uses only Control components you can set this value to headless and load a minimal ClerkJS bundle for optimal page performance. |
supportEmail? | string | Optional support email for display in authentication screens. Will only affect Clerk Components and not Clerk Hosted pages. |
localization? | object | Optional object to localize your Components. Will only affect Clerk Components and not Clerk Hosted pages. |
The ClerkProvider component must be added to your React entrypoint. For more information, please reference the Installation guide.